Google+ 2014 ~ It's time... It's time...: 2014

Impression and Expression

We are defined by our forms of expression and for each of us these are unique. The way we express ourselves tends to be the result of past impressions in our life. Impressions result from people or events that have influenced us deeply. When we are touched in a negative or positive way we are left with a mark, an impact - an impression - on the soul. And if we look at our family history we may find that certain traits from a relative have also made it into our own 'bag' of traits.
In fact, it would be true to say that the essence of life is to experience and express - 'impress' and 'express'. Yet how we use this formula makes all the difference to the quality of our lives. In this context we become creators of a vicious or virtuous cycle of experience. For example, positive impressions create positive expressions and vice versa.
As we repeat an action (or reaction) it becomes a habit. These habits create our personality and define us in the eyes of others. Through the process of reflection we not only begin to slow down our thoughts, and in consequence our actions, but this act of reflection allows us to understand ourselves, to pause and regain control of our actions and move away from reactions or from absorbing scenes against our will. We are then able to filter out what we want to deflect rather than be a sponge and 'soak it all up'. One of the best ways to discard negative expressions is to re-record over them with positive powerful impressions that is, create new habits through positive responses to the old stimuli.
Our conscience (damir in Arabic), is the gauge that helps us monitor which impressions to accept and which to reject. The conscience acts as a sieve, sorting out what is useful and what is waste. There is sorrow and regret only when there is something done against the conscience, that is, when the thought and what is etched on the soul do not tally. When we misuse our judgement we say that the conscience has fallen asleep and so needs an awakening - a nudge of some kind.
To awaken our conscience is more profound than simply knowing right from wrong; it is to take heed from our inner spiritual guide. Our conscience should give us an experience of peace not an intellectual judgement of our self. As we engage in reflection, we begin to awaken our conscience and knowingly take responsibility for our words and deeds by the power of our thoughts. As we understand this link and invest in reflection we take charge of the pen that writes our life story. And at the end of it all, we will be 'impressed' by our own reflection in the mirror.
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‘It’s Time…’ is spreading far and wide! Feel free to forward this wisdom, but to avoid any karmic rebound, please acknowledge its source – ‘It’s Time…’ by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London (or,

The Power of Fables and Fairy Tales

Fairy tales are magical make-believe stories that have enchanted us through the ages. In modern-day parlance the term is often used to describe a happy or blessed outcome, as in a fairy tale ending. But what fairy tale are you really living out and what story are you telling yourself daily?
In a pejorative sense, a fable may be deliberately invented or a falsified account of an event or circumstance to make it outstanding or excellent. In the soul context, what 'spice' are we adding to our lives to make them (appear) outstanding and excellent? Are we indeed living in a fairy tale bubble or authentic reality?
Aesop who is famous for his fables was a slave in the mid-sixth century BC in ancient Greece. Socrates was said to have spent time turning Aesop's fables into verse while he was in prison. The point being is that we seem to be most imaginative and creative, and talent seems to emerge (or erupt!) from nowhere, when we are most down and out.
A modern day example is JK Rowling -- author of the famous Harry Potter series -- who is perhaps as equally famous for her own rags to riches story, in which she moved from living on government benefits to becoming a multi-millionaire within five years.
A fairy tale can be described as a wish, a dream, a yearning, a thirst, nostalgia, craving or desire for something that we think can't possibly be lived, only dreamt or imagined. Yet with the power of positive thought, determination and affirmation there is nothing stopping us from visualizing and manifesting better relationships and abundance in our lives.
Each fairy tale has a moral that is akin to our spiritual lives. Cinderella is about unfortunate circumstances which suddenly change to remarkable fortune due to our goodness! The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs is a reminder about how greed gets the better of us and if only patience were the virtue! The story of The Tortoise and the Hare teaches us the wisdom of moving steadily toward our goal in order to win the race -- the hare was built to be fast but his laziness and ego got the better of him! Snow White's purity and innocence overpowers vanity and jealousy. Pinocchio teaches us not to lie as the truth will surely be revealed (quite visibly) one day! In The Princess and the Pea, purity does not go unnoticed! The ant teaches the grasshopper, as you sow, so shall you reap and how hard work pays off when winter arrives! The Ugly Duckling is a lesson in believing in the self. And The Emperor's New Clothes is definitely a reminder that ego does not allow one to see the truth!
The notion of celebrating Valentines Day is really about our need to be loved. We live that romantic fairy tale expecting roses and cupids, but the need of the hour is for us to 'fall in love' with ourselves and be kind to ourselves. To not fret and stress and kill ourselves with busy and impractical lifestyles.
Notice how almost every fairy tale is about the victory of good over evil. Harry Potter, teaches us to reclaim our spiritual power and that there is a wizard in us all! Star Wars - may the force be with you! Lord of the Rings brings home the message that only the pure and innocent can save the world from doom! Matrix is about believing in the self - You are the one!
Ask yourself, what was your childhood fairy tale dream? Are you living it now? If not, why not? Who or what is blocking that? What magic do you want to create in your life?
We are here to unlock the spiritual significance of fables and fairy tales; to use herstory and history as a means to understand our current spiritual journey. To recreate our own fairy tale by identifying our beliefs, needs and wants; to change patterns of behavior that no longer serve us, and to respect the real hero or heroine within.
Realize that your whole life is a reflection of your beliefs - if you believe in your fairy tale it will surely happen - just as Queen Rania (Rani meaning queen!) of Jordan believed she would one day become queen, and she did even though she is not of royal descent.
You are limiting or empowering your beliefs by your choice of words. People are in abusive relationships because they consider it normal to be so -- because that is what they feel they deserve. People who say that conflict is natural in relationships, continue to perpetuate it and put up with it rather than addressing it and changing it. And people who believe they deserve nothing but the best, very often get it!
Ask yourself, what do you expect to happen? For example, the bus will be late; parking will be difficult; accidents happen in threes(!) and when something good happens... you say "it's too good to be true!"
Disarm your negative beliefs - if you were given a pink dress and did not like it, would you wear it? It's the same with beliefs; if you don't want them don't pick them up. Your mind is a powerful magnet, whatever you think about, you will attract that toward yourself! If for example you say: "I don't want to spill my soup... I hope I don't spill my soup etc."... You believe that you will spill your soup, so you expect it to happen, you visualize it and it happens! People who expect to be burgled, generally are, people who expect bad service normally get it! In the same vein, if you deserve to have good friends, you surely will! You developed certain beliefs through repetition; you can change them through conscious positive repetition.
It's time... to take your life in your hands and to re-write the story that you tell yourself every day. Create a realistic fairy tale that will give you joy and happiness, not heartache and sorrow. Change the belief patterns that are not serving you and allow the universe to treat you like a queen!
I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much - Mother Teresa
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‘It’s Time…’ is spreading far and wide! Feel free to forward this wisdom, but to avoid any karmic rebound, please acknowledge its source – ‘It’s Time…’ by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London (or,

Every Second Counts

There is a great deal to learn from sports. If we would invest just as much time learning from it as we do watching it, we would indeed be enriched! All forms of sportsmanship require a deep spirituality; focus and concentration are the keys to winning and striking the target!
In cricket every run is important, in running every sprint, in tennis every point, in swimming every lap, in basketball every net etc. Being behind a few points, may not matter at first, but this small lead is enough to give your opponent the confidence to gallop ahead and then you are forever playing catch up or as in chess forever trying to free up your pieces for the rest of the game.
Where the game is time sensitive, every second is crucial and cannot afford to be wasted. Records are broken by the second. The difference of winning or losing can be a determined in a fraction of second. And the winner cannot allow his/her vision to be distracted or to go astray for even a second. For the winner, the destination, the target, the aim is right there in front of their eyes.
In daily life too, every second is an opportunity to win hearts. It's totally in our hands how we hold the 'bat' and in which direction we hit the 'ball'! Love and friendship needs to be won with love and blessings and not coercion and compulsion. Sometimes, we feel it's not in our hands, but is that really true. Do people not respond to us in the way we treat them?
Every thought creates every moment, every hour, every day and every week. As we think, so we create our present reality. We may believe it's just one negative thought, but before we know it, it has taken hold of our feelings and emotions and there is a resistance in our actions.
Real life is a bit different from sport, where the only objective is to outdo your opponent and win at any cost. If we create the same rules of win/lose in our personal lives then our premise will be that one has to lose in order for the other to win. In daily life however, since we are vying for the heart which is more encompassing and embracing, win/win outcomes are indeed possible and we just have to learn to 'serve' generously and graciously with our feelings!
Relationships are indeed an investment and will reap generous dividends if I have invested prudently. Constantly withdrawing from the balance will not leave me much 'at a time of need'. I need to ensure that I am giving and not just taking, or if I have taken, then to ensure to return something back immediately before the account depletes too quickly. But the winner takes a step further; he does more than the average, he gives more of himself than the average athlete!
If people seem to be playing games with you, then choose not to be against them, choose not to be their opponent - this is exactly what gives them power over you; one-upmanship. Most conflict occurs when there is an opposition created, a rivalry, a "them" and an "us", you versus me. But if we can see ourselves on the same side, two people wanting the same thing - then we are not enemies, but partners. We both want the same thing; we are just going about it from different angles. So take courage and change the rules of the game!
Timing too is pivotal in 'triumphing' in relationships; it takes a certain spiritual discernment to know what to say, as well as when and how to say it. What will be that prize-winning word or statement that will touch the soul, secure trust and launch an alliance? Sometimes due to our embarrassment or ego we miss the opportunity to say what we genuinely wanted to say and that moment is lost forever.
There is also a saying in Islam that we have a limited number of breaths. So we better start using them wisely, for every breath gone, shall never return. In several faiths, they also speak of taking God's name in every breath, thus every breath will matter when I am eventually in front of God and the account has to be settled.
Sometimes accepting defeat is also part of the game. But remember, we may have lost the battle, but we have not lost the war. We may have lost the argument, we may have lost the match, but the surfer knows, there will always be another wave!
It's time... to pay attention to every thought, every second, to every moment and every breath, for the winner pushes himself more than the average athlete. In every breath let me remind myself that I am a soul, a point of light, a radiant energy, and glowing, shining and a mirror to spread God's light. Give more than you take. And don't become hopeless because another wave is on its way right now!
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Finding Your Purpose by Aruna Ladva

GRC garden view

There is a reason for everything that has happened in your life thus far – see it as training if you like.  You were born to do something in the world – small or big, it doesn’t matter; but you were born to do something unique that only you can do.  What is that?  Once you have tapped into it, it’s like arriving home; you will feel a deep sense of calm and peace in your soul.
New Years Resolutions come and go – they last for the first fifteen days of January while the spirit of newness is still in the air, but as soon as that dissipates so does the promise we made to ourselves.  ‘Purpose’ on the other hand stays, lives and breathes on.
Your purpose has to come from deep within your soul.  Making a commitment to lose some calories and jogging around the block every morning is not exactly your ‘purpose’ in life.  But respecting your body, self, time and energy are – after all a healthy body can be of more service to the world than a weak one.
If you are not living your purpose then someone else is.  But not to worry; in life there is always room for more… more craftsmen, more artists, more musicians, more inventors, more scientists, more happy people!  We just need a little determination and courage and we can be doing what our heart is truly set on.
The aim is not to create, but to detect your purpose.  The questions below have been derived from a few sources: personal enquiry, a book called The Path by Laurie Beth Jones and Brian Bacon’s Self Management Leadership Module.  Play some soft music, sit quietly and see what answers appear before you.
Look at your lifeline up to this point of time and note down what have been the main motivating themes or preoccupations at each stage.  Example. Ages 6 – 12 years: Need for love and recognition.  Ages 13 – 18: Quest for identity and adventure.  Ages 19 – 30: Pursuit of Wealth and Importance.  Ages 30 – 40: Search for meaning and understanding. etc.
Now define the present stage of your life.  Example ‘Consolidation of New Learning’ or maybe ‘Confusion and Abandonment’, ‘Search for Truth’ or perhaps ‘Winning at Last’.
What do you sense is the next step for you right now?  What do you feel is the next important phase in your life?
When you look back at the bleakest or darkest moments of your life, what was it that enabled you to get through them?
When you look at the highest peaks, the best periods of your life, what was especially working for you then?  What qualities or talents were you exercising at that time?
If you only had six months to live how would you spend those six months?
If you became an instant millionaire what would you do differently than what you are doing today?
What have you always wanted to do, but have been afraid to attempt?
When you think of yourself, what image immediately comes to your mind?  And now draw that image.  Perhaps you see yourself like an eagle, or a bridge, or a lighthouse, a punching bag, or a doormat!
One of the reasons we don’t recognize our gifts as gifts is because they seem so natural to us.  What is the gift you bring to the world to share with everyone?
Hopefully answering some of the above questions will give you insights as to where you are at currently and where you should be heading in the New Year.
Finding your purpose means you have found your joy to live.  It has been well documented that when children leave home to attend university, mothers lose a sense of purposefulness.  Or if one partner in a marriage dies, the other loses his will to live as well. We must create a purpose independent of others for it to have a deeper personal meaning, one that does not hinge on or depend on the purpose of people closest to us.
It’s time… before the New Year to take stock of our lives and to take a deeper look at our patterns of behavior and whether we are really living out the purpose we were born to fulfill.  Purpose gives life and meaning to the soul – a new sense of survival.  With this new discovery, we will be energized, motivated and excited.  The New Year will be so much more meaningful if we have taken all these important steps before cracking open the champagne!
 © Aruna Ladva 2012 (

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The Reason is the Answer

Slow Fix

How Knowledge Becomes Wisdom

Haven’t I Met You Before? 

A Silent Mind


Part of ‘It’s Time…’ Corporate Wellness Series
Every organization and corporation from small to large scale invariably goes through a cycle of change over a period of time, it is only natural. A cycle of birth, growth, maturity, decline and eventually death, that is unless one is willing to embrace a new vision, idea or paradigm and be ready to implement. This is where the business must reinvent itself and adapt to change to stay alive and ahead.

Marketing agencies know too well that markets can be unpredictable. The law of supply and demand is never constant and has its ups and downs. When a product or concept is going through a decline, in other words if sales of Kit Kat chocolate or Persil Automatic washing powder seem to be dropping, then that is the most crucial moment to inject new ideas into these products in order to hold onto current customers and attract new ones. Even if Kit Kat is only just a bit more ‘chunkier’, or Persil Automatic now contains ‘red flakes’ and not just blue, this will be enough to keep consumers demanding the product! Failure to introduce something new at this moment may see the death of the product, together with a loss of the market share.
The same change cycle is also applicable to individuals. We may find ourselves in the same sort of job and position for years, or even decades and although it provides security on the one hand, on the other it can stump our growth as we become stuck in a rut. This sort of scenario is not healthy for either the individual or the company. This is a very definite sign that we need to reinvent ourselves and change by choice before circumstances force us to change.
Change cycles help us to understand that nothing ever stays the same because change really is the only constant. We can be hired and fired, promoted and demoted within seconds! Praised today and defamedtomorrow. If we remain rigid and unyielding then we will crack when situations get tough. However, if we are willing to reflect inwards, be open to ideas and different perspective and most importantly, be flexible and fluid we may have a better chance of surviving the inevitability of change and coming out stronger and wiser.
Have you ever noticed how the cycles of time are gathering speed? Time is moving so fast that we cannot really hold onto anything! Our days feel shorter. The pace of the world in which we live is getting faster and faster and our ‘to do’ list gets longer and longer. In our current age we have indeed become ‘time watchers’ hoping time does not run out and we either stagnate, a metaphoric death as we struggle to survive, or we adapt. How can we transition from being those who survive to those who excel in this new world order of fast pace change on so many levels; economic, social, environmental, political, technological and spiritual? From being time watchers or even timekeepers to creators of time, those who embrace, adopt and/or adapt to change?
The first lesson of Raja Yoga Meditation can help here, when we remember that we are a human ‘being’ vs. a human ‘doing’. With our preoccupation with action we lose sight of our ‘being-ness’, the true wealth of our humanity. We begin to redefine success.

Take moments every hour to just mentally step away from your present reality, breath in, reflect on perspective, purpose and meaning and experience yourself as a ‘being’.

Secondly, if we can make our work interesting by finding a deeper meaning and purpose, then our whole attitude will change because we will WANT to go to work and not be caught in a rut of HAVING to work. Our work should be inspiring and not a cause for our expiry! The way to ensure this is to focus on a spiritual value or principle every day. In an atmosphere that is competitive and hard- core, practicing these spiritual values and principles will deepen our foundation, keep us anchored and help us adapt while we maintain our self-respect.

Values are deeply linked to our purpose. No matter how many cycles we go through as a corporation, or how high the individual climbs the corporate ladder our values and principles will always keep us in check and balanced. Even if our external reality seems a storm of the worst things we believe can happen to us such as being fired from work or sales targets unmet, with these simple steps we know our inner foundation of our values and principles will help us forge ahead.

It’s time… to reinvent yourself – let spiritual values and principles form the bedrock of your life and let work remain an inspiration and not a cause for your expiration!  And most importantly, don’t forget to add to ‘BE’ onto your to-do list!

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It’s Time…’ is spreading far and wide! Feel free to forward this wisdom, but to avoid any karmic rebound, please acknowledge its source –
‘It’s Time…’ by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London

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