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The Power of Fables and Fairy Tales

Fairy tales are magical make-believe stories that have enchanted us through the ages. In modern-day parlance the term is often used to describe a happy or blessed outcome, as in a fairy tale ending. But what fairy tale are you really living out and what story are you telling yourself daily?
In a pejorative sense, a fable may be deliberately invented or a falsified account of an event or circumstance to make it outstanding or excellent. In the soul context, what 'spice' are we adding to our lives to make them (appear) outstanding and excellent? Are we indeed living in a fairy tale bubble or authentic reality?
Aesop who is famous for his fables was a slave in the mid-sixth century BC in ancient Greece. Socrates was said to have spent time turning Aesop's fables into verse while he was in prison. The point being is that we seem to be most imaginative and creative, and talent seems to emerge (or erupt!) from nowhere, when we are most down and out.
A modern day example is JK Rowling -- author of the famous Harry Potter series -- who is perhaps as equally famous for her own rags to riches story, in which she moved from living on government benefits to becoming a multi-millionaire within five years.
A fairy tale can be described as a wish, a dream, a yearning, a thirst, nostalgia, craving or desire for something that we think can't possibly be lived, only dreamt or imagined. Yet with the power of positive thought, determination and affirmation there is nothing stopping us from visualizing and manifesting better relationships and abundance in our lives.
Each fairy tale has a moral that is akin to our spiritual lives. Cinderella is about unfortunate circumstances which suddenly change to remarkable fortune due to our goodness! The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs is a reminder about how greed gets the better of us and if only patience were the virtue! The story of The Tortoise and the Hare teaches us the wisdom of moving steadily toward our goal in order to win the race -- the hare was built to be fast but his laziness and ego got the better of him! Snow White's purity and innocence overpowers vanity and jealousy. Pinocchio teaches us not to lie as the truth will surely be revealed (quite visibly) one day! In The Princess and the Pea, purity does not go unnoticed! The ant teaches the grasshopper, as you sow, so shall you reap and how hard work pays off when winter arrives! The Ugly Duckling is a lesson in believing in the self. And The Emperor's New Clothes is definitely a reminder that ego does not allow one to see the truth!
The notion of celebrating Valentines Day is really about our need to be loved. We live that romantic fairy tale expecting roses and cupids, but the need of the hour is for us to 'fall in love' with ourselves and be kind to ourselves. To not fret and stress and kill ourselves with busy and impractical lifestyles.
Notice how almost every fairy tale is about the victory of good over evil. Harry Potter, teaches us to reclaim our spiritual power and that there is a wizard in us all! Star Wars - may the force be with you! Lord of the Rings brings home the message that only the pure and innocent can save the world from doom! Matrix is about believing in the self - You are the one!
Ask yourself, what was your childhood fairy tale dream? Are you living it now? If not, why not? Who or what is blocking that? What magic do you want to create in your life?
We are here to unlock the spiritual significance of fables and fairy tales; to use herstory and history as a means to understand our current spiritual journey. To recreate our own fairy tale by identifying our beliefs, needs and wants; to change patterns of behavior that no longer serve us, and to respect the real hero or heroine within.
Realize that your whole life is a reflection of your beliefs - if you believe in your fairy tale it will surely happen - just as Queen Rania (Rani meaning queen!) of Jordan believed she would one day become queen, and she did even though she is not of royal descent.
You are limiting or empowering your beliefs by your choice of words. People are in abusive relationships because they consider it normal to be so -- because that is what they feel they deserve. People who say that conflict is natural in relationships, continue to perpetuate it and put up with it rather than addressing it and changing it. And people who believe they deserve nothing but the best, very often get it!
Ask yourself, what do you expect to happen? For example, the bus will be late; parking will be difficult; accidents happen in threes(!) and when something good happens... you say "it's too good to be true!"
Disarm your negative beliefs - if you were given a pink dress and did not like it, would you wear it? It's the same with beliefs; if you don't want them don't pick them up. Your mind is a powerful magnet, whatever you think about, you will attract that toward yourself! If for example you say: "I don't want to spill my soup... I hope I don't spill my soup etc."... You believe that you will spill your soup, so you expect it to happen, you visualize it and it happens! People who expect to be burgled, generally are, people who expect bad service normally get it! In the same vein, if you deserve to have good friends, you surely will! You developed certain beliefs through repetition; you can change them through conscious positive repetition.
It's time... to take your life in your hands and to re-write the story that you tell yourself every day. Create a realistic fairy tale that will give you joy and happiness, not heartache and sorrow. Change the belief patterns that are not serving you and allow the universe to treat you like a queen!
I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much - Mother Teresa
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